I love how strongly this makes the case for real life meet ups vs the dating app ones because it was so spontaneous and instant and therefore satisfying and enjoyable in and of itself. Proved by the fact that you're kind of over it already (although let's see...).

The only thing I did wonder about (which doesn't reflect very well on me) was whether his insistance about seeing your blog was a little over-controlly as if he was really worried about what you might say. How exactly could he 'help' with it?!

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He was trying to be flirty by saying he’d help with it, like he would give me an experience to write about lol, it was just a line. Although not one I realised was a line at the time… 😅

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Oh I seeee. Well I think you played this perfectly! 👏🏻

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I truly thought he wanted to help with purely editorial duties. Shows my naivety!

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I too had to have it spelt out to me in actual words. By sheer numbers here I don’t think this is necessarily an ‘us’ problem…

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i am so invested in this journey

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This is my new favorite story. I’m new to Substack and was just subscribing to anyone who gave me a hint of attention. And Substack was only suggesting similar content to what I seem to write about. Boring LOL! Now I’m thinking of unsubscribing to all the others. I just want to read this “book” and any I can find like it. Love Austen. And Brontë(s). Thrilled to have found your writing. - from a 53 year old American gal who can still remember being young 😌

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oh wow what a comment, thank you so much!!! delighted to have you here ❤️

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You handled the situation with that fellow very well. Admirably, in fact.

I enjoy your writing.



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thank you so much, Fred, I appreciate that!

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Oct 6Liked by Livvie

Absolutely love this series! I've just binged it all :p

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ahh thank you!!

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Love! 💓📚

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Thank you! ❤️

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This is cute! I like him!

Also, this is funny reading as an American. But I'm from the south so I sound like cornbread. Oddly enough, when I visited Scotland they seemed to find it "cute" and "charming" 🤷

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I also love a southern American accent!!!

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Love this blog. Livvie truly is a 21st-C incarnation of Lizzie Benet.

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Ahhhh thank you!!!

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This was such a fun story and a joy to read. Am I the only one who thought, when he said he wanted to help you with the project, that he really meant as an editor? Maybe I'm naïve.

As a half American that funny sentence is totally clear (bro!).

I can just 'hear' your accent (I think), the *thank you very much* is so evocative, and it does manage to be charming yet abrasive.

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Well you’re not the only one cause I thought it too but he did clarify later on that it was meant to be a testing the waters kind of come on 😂

And I imagine you’ve probably got the accent correct if I had to put money on it 🤷🏻‍♀️

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You’re very brave telling him about the blog!! I could never aha

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haven’t told him the name (yet)!!

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This year I made a new years resolution of going on dating apps and going to at least 3 dates to appear to be making an effort to meet people. But then I changed my mind very early on when I realised that going from online to in person breeds a lot of insecurity. Like I’m consumed with the idea of having accidentally catfished someone, it also is way too forward in the “I’m looking for someone to date” kinda way. When you meet someone in real life it’s easier to gauge whether you should pursue a one time meeting, friendship or a romantic relationship. It’s easier to feel less insecure because at least you don’t have to worry about that first impression

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Also an American accent is so endearing

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